Review by Karina Noctum

The concert hall was at its full capacity for what became one of the most striking and powerful concert experiences of late. The extreme seance started with the co-headliners The Halo Effect which are a Swedish all-star band featuring members from Dark Tranquillity, In Flames and The Haunted. Their fans in the audience were pretty pleased, cheering all along. So everyone got a special treat, a new song called Become Surrender which has an innovative and cybernetic melody style and hints on a possibly more experimental new album to come. The Halo Effect are so seasoned and experienced that the show just flows effortlessly and one can witness the amazing guitar work representative of the awesome Gothenburg sound. The Halo Effect was an awesome musical experience and the perfect band to see before Meshuggah.

Meshuggah brought an impressive light show with an interesting 3D effect light show that was synchronized with the riffs, although at times bedazzling but care has been taken so solos and some virtuose riffs are possible to appreciate. It was also pretty interesting to see how the backdrop had not only movement but also depth displaying an elaborate sound-based graphic design. Their sound was pretty powerful and solid. The show definitely put Meshuggah at another level. It must be mentioned that the audience was more energetic than usual, especially with older songs from the first albums. It was such the energy level at the moshpit that a sight of broken noses and bloody faces could be seen outside after the show, something that is quite rare in Oslo. Definitely a concert night to be remembered.

Full galleries from the two shows can now be found on our webpage at

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