AZAGHAL – Alttarimme on Luista Tehty
- by J.N.
- Posted on 16-03-2023
BAND URL: https://lnk.to/alttarimmeonluistatehty
The Finnish black metal horde known as Azaghal is undoubtedly a known and familiar name to many of you underground freaks out there, and the band are veterans of the scene and have been at it for many years now. Their latest album is a scorching and razor-sharp opus that oozes determination, focus, and a strong desire to evoke a raging tempest of malign grandeur. It utilizes many of the usual tropes and elements that we associate with 90s-inspired black metal but takes everything one step further and embodies a style and identity of its own.
Opening track ‘Alttarini on Luista Tehty’ is a great example of what this three-piece offer; melodically strong and fast-paced segments, thrash metal riffs and bone-crushing passages, a sense of the majestic and melancholy, and longevity. The record is accessible and easy to digest while still containing enough details and flavors to warrant repeated listens, and every song consists of one or more things that make it memorable. Take ‘Paholaisen Musta Kieli’ for an example where the propulsive and borderline frenetic riffing locks in perfectly with the powerful drums and aggressive vocals, thereby spawning an explosive tune capable of tearing your face off. ‘Myrkkyä’ ends on a truly sinister note and ‘Kaaos’ incorporates a number of ideas that would not have been entirely out of place on an album by MGLA. ‘Syöpäläinen’ is a personal favorite and a maelstrom of lunacy and metal mayhem that is thoroughly soaked in an unnerving atmosphere, and it is arguably also the catchiest slice of darkness to be found on the disc. ‘Syvyydestä Liekkien Takaa’ also stands out and is tinged with a strange vibe of sadness or yearning that resists closer analysis and definition, but if you want a sense of the epic then it certainly ought to do the trick for you.
Well-produced, well-composed, and oftentimes engrossing, Azaghal have delivered a potent and passionate slab of unholy music that is never dull, and although there are more original and musically adventurous alternatives out there, few are as cohesive and solid as this one is.