ALCATRAZ OPEN AIR 2023 – new bands announced

ALCATRAZ OPEN AIR 2023 – new bands announced

ALCATRAZ 2023 34 new bands announcements

A little over a month ago Alcatraz Open Air 2023 unleashed an initial batch of 49 names and today we are adding another 34 acts.

However, the line-up for Alcatraz 2023 is far from complete.

In addition to the three headliners there are still quite a few bands to be announced.

Alcatraz Eagle Plaza

Conveniently located near the festival arena, Alcatraz Eagle Plaza provides a touch of luxury for those fans who enjoy that little bit extra. You can rent basic tents, more luxurious Delta tents and even top-of-the-line lodges and group tents.

All accommodations are fully equipped and ready-to-go for a carefree festival experience. Prices vary between €26-75 per person per night and added value seekers can book an additional breakfast package or even a wonderful breakfast buffet.

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