BISMARCK – Oneiromancer
- by J.N.
- Posted on 07-04-2020
“Oneiromancer” is intriguing and strangely mysterious all the way through, which is merely another way of saying that it is utterly appealing and possesses a strongly seductive aura, but do not get me wrong; this is an unsettling opus through and through. The atmosphere is oppressive bordering on the claustrophobic, the vocals are akin to howls of agony, and the inhumanly heavy riffs will grind you down and leave you bleeding in the ditch. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is some seriously effective and intense stuff. It is also loud and rumbling, the guitars are drenched in fuzz and distortion, and the songs contain plenty of depth and substance. Easy listening this is most certainly not, but once you have penetrated its layers following a handful of spins this ugly fucker will captivate and enthrall you. The highlight is the incredibly well-crafted and superbly written “Khton”, which moves and slides effortlessly between deep-seated melancholy and otherworldly rage.
The cover artwork and layout looks fabulous too and the esoteric lyrics are definitely worth looking into. “Oneiromancer” is truly a thrilling albeit caustically raw musical pleasure that I strongly encourage all you lovers of (funeral) doom metal, drone music, noisy dark ambient, or vile sludge to get your filthy paws on ASAP. Unpleasant? Yes! Musically rewarding? You bet!