AVERSIO HUMANITATIS – Longing For The Untold
- by ER
- Posted on 07-05-2018
BlackSeed Productions
4.5 / 6
Aversio Humanitatis (latin: Aversion to Humanity) is an interesting fast black metal of death. While the opening title track is an enjoyable if standard black metal fare, the subsequent "Prison of Shattered Glass", exudes the confidence, weirdness, catchiness and pinch harmonics of Deathspell Omega or Ulcerate, for the best track on the EP, while "Evershifting Path" adds the power of Emperor and Dimmu Borgir with some genuinely scary keys for atmosphere of impending doom.
"Advent of the Inescapable" completes this short, nearly 22 minute affair on a horrifying Behemothian note, clearly one track gaining strength and building on, its predecessor. I do not recommend listening to this in headphones in a dark basement (or do I?), which is how I consume my black/death these days. I shudder to think what the full length can do to me.
"Longing for the Untold" is a fine surprise reminding me to take notice of EPs just as well as full length albums when they drop in my haulix account. Admittedly, most of it could use some variety, but the sheer power and climate of this EP elevates it above the usual suspects.