TUSMØRKE releases second single from upcoming album

TUSMØRKE releases second single from upcoming album

Photo by Terje Skår

When Norwgian Prog Folk Rockers TUSMØRKE announced that their fifth full-length album “Bydyra” would consist of two original mini musicals that were written specifically for a local children’s school in Oslo, and that children from the school would be taking part on the album, it certainly piqued the interest not only of the prog community, but also from music fans in general, who were interested in seeing what the result would be.
Having already released one single from the album, TUSMØRKE are giving fans and interested parties another glimpse into “Bydyra” with the release of the the track titled "Rottekongen" (The Rat King). According to the band: "When the Rat King isn’t devouring books in the library (literally), he roams about with his street gang, pestering strangers to make them feel unwelcome. These animals are pests, not pets"
"Rottekongen" is available from the following:
 Bandcamp: https://tusm-rke.bandcamp.com/track/rottekongen
 iTunes/Tidal/Spotify/Tidal: http://phonofile.link/ rottekongen
 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/4YOufzCK2W5ea4Ghh8XRIu


"Bydyra”, which translated means "Urban Wildlife", is an album filled with enchantment as it follows the adventures of three magical creatures – a crow, a badger and a squirrel. But adult fans of TUSMØRKE need not be dismayed though, because it will also appeal to them with its lyrical and musical exploration of relatively "grown up" themes such as urban wildlife, the skyrocketing prices of housing in Oslo, the financial crisis, social issues, global warming, and good and bad magic.

With artwork especially commissioned from the legendary Norwegian artist Thore Hansen, and set for release on Karisma Records on the 10th November, tracklisting for “Bydyra” is as follows:

01. Tre som bor i et Tre (Three who live in a Tree)
02. Trefar (Three Father)
03. Mellomspill (Interlude)
04. Rottekongen (The Rat King)
05. På Biblioteket (At the Library)
06. Vi er eid (We are owned)
07. Dyrene i Byen (The Animals in the City)
08. Elvene i Oslo (The Rivers of Oslo)
09. Signekjerringa (The Sibyl)
10. Tenkeren (The Thinker)
11. Trollmannen (The Enchanter)
12. Lær de fattige å trylle (Teach Magic to the Poor)
13. Dyrene bor ute (Animals Live Outside)
14. Underboerne (The Underdwellers)
15. Katabasis
TUSMØRKE‘s members, drawn from bands such as WOBBLER, JORDSJØ and ALWANZATAR, field an almost dizzying variety of instruments, allowing the band develop its own unique take on Prog. Comprised of Benediktator on vocals, bass, acoustic guitars, Glockenspiel, jaw harp, assorted percussion and loads of handclaps, Krizla on vocals, flute and electronics, HlewagastiR on drums and percussion, Dauinghorn av Jordsjø on electric guitar, and The Phenomenon Marxo Solina on Steinway & Sons grand piano, MiniMoog model D, Solina Strings Ensemble, Mellotron M400, SCI Prophet-5, Arp Axxe, Arp Pro Soloist and Lindholm Spinet, TUSMØRKE is proving to be popular not only with their studio output, but also live on stage.
Bydyra”, which is available in CD Digipak, Transparent Green Vinyl, Black Vinyl, and Digital formats can now be pre-ordered from the following:
EU: https://www.karismarecords.no/artists/tusmorke/
Bandcamp: https://tusm-rke.bandcamp.com/
USA: https://karismarecords.aisamerch.com/


TUSMØRKE will be appearing at the Dødes Helg event which will be held at the Aye Aye Club / Tortuga in Oslo from the 3 – 5 November, and will also play the following dates in Norway:
07 Oct: Union Scene Live, in Drammem
28 Oct: Brekkenparken, Skien
11 Nov: Big Dipper, Oslo
12 Nov: Sentralen UNG, Oslo
10 Dec: Blarollinger, Oslo

Both "Rottekongen" and TUSMØRKE‘s previous single, Trefar, or Tree Father, who "knows all that goes on in the forest. Where his knowledge dries out, the City Animals must seek out the Library to consult the letters printed on his pulped, dried and flattened children", can be heard below and at http://tusm-rke.bandcamp.com/album/bydyra