ISENMOR – Land of the Setting Sun

ISENMOR – Land of the Setting Sun

Folk metal is not just a European phenomenon- it’s a potent worldwide genre, and plenty of American artists are getting into the movement. Take Baltimore, Maryland sextet Isenmor – employing two violinists on their "Land of the Setting Sun" EP release. These 5 songs of Vinlandic folk metal make you feel like you are taking a tall ship into storm seas with your best warrior friends, alert for adventure and sing-a-longs at every turn.

A mixture of clean and harsh vocals with mostly mid-tempo musical arrangements gives "Pyre" and "So Willingly Deceived" a familiarity to those who love Heidevolk, Týr, and Ensiferum. "The Old Mead Hall" will go down a storm live, the guitars and violins participating in a duel to the death aurally, perfect for drinking. Not exactly groundbreaking, Isenmor aim to entertain – and isn’t that what folk metal should mostly be about?