Toxic Holocaust til Garage tirsdag 4. august
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 23-07-2015
Joel Grind og hans Toxic Holocaust er et av de hotteste band på metal scenen. Siden oppstarten i 1999 har de turnert omfattende i verden og bevist gang på gang hva ryktene sier. En blanding av punk/thrash/death med vanvittig energi gjør at alle manker, store eller små, banger fra start til slutt. Vi ser frem til en feit aften med Toxic Holocaust i Bergen.
Toxic Holocaust is an American thrash metal band from Portland, Oregon. It mutated into existence in 1999, when Joel Grind merged his love for classic punk and metal and the flash of L.A. hard rock into his ideal band. Like his influences, Toxic Holocaust featured blazing riffs, gravel-throated vocals, and a deadly fixation on the evil in man and a post-apocalyptic world.
Joel Grind, whom founded Toxic Holocaust, originally wrote and recorded all of the band’s music himself, and his official full-length album debut as Toxic Holocaust came with «Evil Never Dies» in 2003. After some years touring with a hired backing band, Grind wrote, recorded and released the second Toxic Holocaust album, «Hell on Earth» in 2005. The album notably features cover art by Ed Repka, known for having created iconic covers for albums by Megadeth, Death and others.
Extensive touring followed, along with a recording contract with Relapse Records, whom in addition to releasing the third Toxic Holocaust album, «An Overdose of Death…» in 2008, also reissued the two first albums as well.
The line-up became a permanent trio (so far), when Phil Zeller joined on bass in 2008 and Nick Bellmore on drums in 2009. The albums «Conjure and Command» in 2011 and «Chemistry of Consciousness» in 2013 followed.
Billett kr. 320,- inkl. bill. avg. 18 år leg.
Billett: http://garage.no/event/details/toxic-holocaust-us/
Dørene åpner 21:00.
Av Jon Petter Kaalaas