GRUESOME – Savage Land
- by J. Nepper
- Posted on 20-04-2015
Gruesome is a relatively new outfit performing old-school death in the vein of the Death’s mighty «Leprosy», «Spiritual Healing», and the likes, and let me tell you what; this album entitled «Savage Land» simply rules, slays, and…did I already state that it RULES? Alright then, let us proceed. Gruesome consists of members hailing from various veteran outfits such as Exhumed, Derketa, and Possessed, so we are obviously dealing with talented people here, which is displayed in full on «Savage Land».
The thing is that «Savage Land» is an intentional tribute to the various incarnations of Death and the music spawned by that legendary band, which is to say that we are not dealing with a cheap retro-act or a rip-off here. Gruesome has created one of catchiest and most memorable death metal albums that I have had the pleasure of listening to for a pretty fucking long time. The riffs are godly, the vocals fit perfectly, the atmosphere is dark and captivating, and not one fucking second is wasted on this disc. The album is a whole is coherent and cohesive in every aspect. The cover art by famous artist Ed Repka also kills, so one might say that the music, lyrics, and cover art go hand in hand here. The song titles are short and to the point as opposed to some convoluted or pseudo-intellectual bullshit.
Whether you worship Death, long for old-school death metal, or simply just crave brilliant metal, «Savage Land» by Gruesome provides the answer and the solution. Instead of spending anymore time telling you how much I love this album I am simply just going to stop rambling right here and now so that I can go back to focusing solely on listening to «Savage Land» while sipping my morning coffee. Oh man, those riffs…that darkness…ARGHHHHHH!