ZOM – Flesh Assimilation

ZOM – Flesh Assimilation

Blackened death metal proprietors Zom seem to be a band of which opinions are much divided. Face-ripping destruction, or mind-numbing slop? The hype is there for this Irish trio, and always eager to try new things, this was something of which needed to be given a test run.

It ended up being a really long test that ended with a jubilant smirk.

While not very technical, Zom’s music does take some time to digest. It’s grimy, destructive and is packaged in a mass of fuzzy drums and grinding, thick guitars. Thusly, it takes a few spins to sort out the nuances through the chaotic sounds coming from the speakers.

In the end, Zom have put together something absolutely menacing that grows with the listener with time. The more listens, the more the album clicked. A quality that is much appreciated, as "Flesh Assimilation" feels like an album that will stick to you like crazy glue.

"Hordes from the Cursed Realms" has a distinct blackened feel throughout, while "Illbeings Unspeak" has some dirty crust-influenced death going for it. "Dead Worlds" begins with a well-placed doom passage, transitioning into a blast of evil-sounding, speedy riffs. All fine examples of the band’s versatility.

The production is dirty, and in being so, brings out the character from Zom’s debut full-length. There’s enough clarity the get what the band is doing, and enough grime and bleakness to make the listener feel it. This isn’t a very typical record, and it takes some time investment to fully appreciate, but it’s all worth it. Zom is onto something good.

