CRIPPLE BASTARDS – Nero in Metastasi

CRIPPLE BASTARDS – Nero in Metastasi

I have known of Cripple Bastards for a long time now but had never listened to them before this (probably because I didn’t particularly like their name!). Generally when I start to review a band I hadn’t heard of before I check them out on the Metal Archives to see what they are all about. In this case, I was surprised to find they aren’t on Encylopedia Metallum, because the site organisers found them too be too punk-oriented.

I’m not too sure about that – as far as I am concerned these guys are stylistically pretty close to Nasum and Rotten Sound and actually have a satisfying dash of death metal in the mix too, especially in the vocals at times (the vocals switch from gravel to guttural to hissing and twisted as occasion demands). So, on offer here: 18 short tracks of brutal, blasting grindcore. The production is crystal clear without any drop in power or immediacy. The drumming is incredible with plenty of excellent blasting and nimble tempo changes. The great thing is that each song, no matter how short, has some kind of hook or trick that differentiates it and pulls the listener in – a cool break down, a sweet riff or catchy refrain. Some cool d-beat passages too.

Overall, this is one of my faves of the year so far and a definite for fans of the above mentioned acts. Great stuff.