ADHUK – Rituals of Personal Universe

ADHUK – Rituals of Personal Universe

Adhuk is a Polish black metal trio vomited forth in 2012, and "Rituals of Personel Universe" is the band’s first full-length output so far from what I can gather. The music spawned by these gentlemen is somewhat melodic, cold, and catchy black metal full of tremolo-riffs, melancholic and epic melodies, raspy vocals, and wintry atmospheres. There is nothing new or original to what these guys are doing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I don’t like some of what I’m hearing. There are a number of memorable riffs and melodies throughout the album, and songs such as "The Event Horizon" and "..And the End" are moody and well-composed pieces of music. There are long instrumental passages present throughout that work quite well due to them evoking a hypnotic and trance-like feel. Also, some of the songs are quite varied in terms of pace and tempo and so on. The production is prettu decent for this album in the sense that it is suitably rough around the edges and yet all the instruments are clearly audible. It could have been a bit punchier, however. Like I said earlier on, there’s nothing different or innovative to what Adhuk do, and unfortunately that are a few too many filler-tracks present, but the album contains a lot of good ideas and is above average in my opinion. If morose black metal is your thing then try giving these chaps a chance.