H.E.A.T. – Tearing Down The Walls
As far as the new generation of melodic hard rock/ AOR style, these Swedes are near the top in terms of songwriting ability and popularity. For H.E.A.T. – it’s all about the right combination of guitar/ keyboard hooks, uplifting chords put in all the right places, and the multi-part harmonies and vocal charm from Erik Grönwall. His range rivals Dann Huff (Giant) and Eric Martin (Mr. Big), and the quartet of musicians who back him provide all the right touches to push these songs again into spotlight territory.
Be it the driving "Inferno" backed by Jona Tee’s Hammond organ work, the emotional power ballad title track that I can foresee Far Eastern audiences oohing and aahing with the background vocals, or the "Hold the Line" shuffle tempo throughout "We Will Never Die", these 13 songs prove that carefully crafting and dissecting the essential elements of the genre and putting it all together appears to be something H.E.A.T. excel in. Producer Tobias Lindell weaves his magic studio touch, knowing when to let the musical chemistry take over -check out "Emergency" in its opening instrumental moments, as drummer Crash and guitarist Eric Rivers get a little showcase prowess, a number that classic Loverboy fans will adore, or the follow up piano ballad "All the Nights" that is sparse and restrained as Mr. Grönwall expresses his heart felt lyrics in a Europe manner.
H.E.A.T. aren’t a one trick pony. "Tearing Down the Walls" would be a multi-million seller propelling them to headlining arenas across North America if this were 1989 and not 2014. Do not let the changing music consumption model keep you away from purchasing any one of their four studio albums – as this is aural melodic hard rock ecstasy in the finest degree possible.