LAY DOWN ROTTEN – Deathspell Catharsis

LAY DOWN ROTTEN – Deathspell Catharsis

Even though "Deathspell Catharsis" is the seventh full -length release from German bruisers Lay Down Rotten, this is the first time I have ever had a chance to check out their stuff. I can’t comment, therefore, on what came before this, but "Deathspell Catharsis" is death metal that has a strong melodic element. What I like about their approach is that they stay so far away from the brutal side of things, but still manage to maintain a DM vibe. Yes, there is some blasting and there are plenty of fast bits, but the overall feel isn’t of a band who wants to nail your soft parts to the kitchen table as they fry up your toes in chilli oil and garlic sauce…

Overall, the riffing is excellent and each song has its catchy parts and memorable moments. This is an extremely accessible DM album and one that those who are new to the genre might appreciate as a gateway. Fans of the more thrash oriented side of DM should also find lots they like here. Seventh time lucky?