DEMONICAL – Death Infernal
- by Matt Coe
- Posted on 21-04-2011
There’s nothing like the adrenaline rush one receives when listening to certain Swedish death metal bands. Whether it’s the lower, hanging by a thread guitar tone, the roaring vocal bellows or the rhythm section that can change from hyperventilating overdrive one song or hypnotic doom the next – when done correctly, it’s the best form to alter any overbearing thoughts of the day and drain them away. Former Centinex members Johan Jansson (guitar/vocals), Martin Schulman (bass) and Ronnie Bergerstahl (drums) round out the Demonical lineup with vocalist Sverker Widgren – and “Death Infernal” represents their third full length in the past 5 years, but my virgin aural escapade with the group.
The foursome give you ten seconds to ease into “The Arrival Of Armageddon” before the lightning sharp speed riffs and blast master drumming assault your senses as Sverker barks out ominous lyrics about darkness, death and ‘the end of the end is near’. The follow up “Return In Flesh” follows a Grave-like mid-tempo riff barrage while “Black Inferno” contains those low end bass parts certain to maintain circle pit or crowd surfing audience appreciation. Johan inserts melodic guitar lines during many of the riff transitions to up the ear engagement factor- the best example being “March For Victory”. Where Demonical separate themselves from the pack are the heaviest doom / death riffs that just bowl you over and within a nanosecond the breakneck speed returns – check out ‘Through Hellfire” or “Darkness Awaits” for the opposite attract effect.
“Death Infernal” is raw, forceful and an exciting album to return to. So much so that I find myself wanting to do hair windmills , imitate the faster blast beats or even break out some air guitar- and that doesn’t happen often when enjoying death metal. An album for those who tire easily of the math/tech aspects that push certain bands these days and just want to remember the earlier, underground 1990’s.