ROCK BUNNIES – Speedmachine

ROCK BUNNIES – Speedmachine

Austria’s Rock Bunnies consist of guitarist Klaus Schubert and four ladies who fill out the second guitar, bass, drums and lead vocal roles. Their first album "Speedmachine" contains 16 songs of blues based hard rock, focusing on streamlined guitar riffs, four on the floor drum/bass grooves and Tici Weitstreicher’s powerhouse rock grit melodies. Klaus certainly loves the Blackmore heroics with material like “Puppet On A String” and “Kill The Lion” – and overall I find the bulk of "Speedmachine" in a mid-tempo to slightly faster Uriah Heep, Rainbow or 80’s Deep Purple framework.

Maybe Rock Bunnies would gain my interest live, but these songs aren’t setting my ears on fire – especially in comparison with current Whitesnake or Mr. Big these days. When the organ solo from keyboardist Andi Brunner in the title track seems to be the only thing keeping my full attention, you know we are in deep trouble.