BON JOVI til Oslo (15/6)
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 27-10-2010
Billettene legges ut til salg fredag 29. oktober kl 09.00!
New Jersey-gruppa Bon Jovi har solgt over 120 millioner plater på verdensbasis, og har gjennom nesten tre tiår rukket å bli et av verdens mest populære rockeband. Også her til lands har gruppen et svært publikum. Da bandet spilte på Ullevaal Stadion for tre år siden spilte de for over 31 000 fans på en utsolgt nasjonalarena, en publikumsrekord som står den dag i dag. 15. juni, 2011 kommer Bon Jovi tilbake, og stemningen blir nok på ingen måte noe dårligere. Med den ferske samleplaten "Bon Jovi Greatest Hits: The Ultimate Collection" ute, blir allsangfaktoren garantert høy, og arrangør Peer Osmundsvaag i Atomic Soul lover publikum en folkefest:
– Det er fantastisk at Bon Jovi ville komme tilbake til Ullevål og til den trofaste, norske fansen. Med en konsert kun bygget på høydepunktene i deres legendariske karriere vil nok absolutt alle gå fra Ullevål med store smil om munnen, sier han.
Bon Jovi ble dannet i 1983 og slo igjennom globalt med suksessalbumet "Slippery When Wet" i 1986. Med uimotstålige hits som "Livin’ on A Prayer", "You Give Love A Bad Name" og "Wanted Dead Or Alive" på setlistene, har bandet spilt mer enn 2600 konserter i mer enn 50 land for langt over 35 millioner fans, og har mottatt både Grammy, MTV og American Music Award gjennom deres eventyrlige karriere.
– Musikk markerer milepæler i våre liv, og det er en stor ære og vite at mange mennesker asossierer sangene våre med noen av de mest meningsfulle øyeblikkene i deres egne liv. Vi har vært heldige, som nå har en en fanbase på tvers av generasjoner og kulturelle forskjeller, sier sanger Jon Bon Jovi i forbindelse med lanseringen av den omfattende verdensturneen.
Til Ullevål Stadioen kommer Bon Jovi med et lydanlegg på 800 000 watt, 1000 kasser med turnéutstyr, 804 kilometer kabler, 300 lyskastere og en scene som veier 136 077 kilo. Bare scenen, med det aller siste innen video- og lysproduksjon har tatt over seks måneder å designe. Det er med andre ord duket for en kjempeproduksjon på landskamparenaen i juni, neste år.
Bon Jovi er valgt som vinnere av den prestisjetunge Icon Award ved MTV Music Awards som avholdes i Madrid neste måned.
120,000,000+ Number of albums Bon Jovi has sold globally
35,000,000+ Number of fans who have seen a Bon Jovi concert
800,000 Total watts that the sound system can generate
750,000 Pixels in the large curved video screen behind the stage
170,000 Pounds of gear loaded onto the sea containers that will transport the production from North America to Europe
21,933 Labor hours that went into the manufacturing of the stage set & video columns
11,000 Feet of video control cable linking the large video screen (3,350 meters)
9,872 Lbs that the high def, state of the art video screen weighs (4477kg)
9,200 Total amps required to execute one stadium show for lights, audio, video, rigging, motion control, and robots
9,000 Feet of aluminum used to build the stage (2,750 meters)
6,000 Amps of power generated by the lights during one stadium show
4,300 Sq feet that comprise the large high def video screen behind the stage (largest in the world of it’s kind and built with brand new state of the art technology) (400 Sq meters)
4,000 Feet of video cable for the cameras on the B-stage video track (1,200 meters)
2,650+ Number of live shows Bon Jovi has performed worldwide
1,000 Total number of road cases used to transport all the equipment for the tour including lights, audio, video, stage, band instruments, wardrobe, etc.
1,000 Number of separate video cues during the show to correctly display the show on the video screens
905 Total kilowatts of power consumed during one stadium show for lights, audio, video, rigging, and motion control
500 Number of cups of coffee made on tour daily
500 Miles of cable used for power, lighting, and audio equipment on tour (804 km)
350 Number of video connections needed to make the high definition video system work
300 High end professional lights used to design the show
208 Number of separate amp channels in the sound system
150 Number of caster wheels that support the base of the stage
150 High strength magnets that lock the stage together
150 Weight of the stadium stage in tons (136,077 kg / 21,428 stones)
135+ Number of shows on the entire 2010/2011 Tour
115 Ft wide is the distance from one end of the large stadium video screen to the other side (largest of it’s kind in the world) (35 meters)
97 Number of Bon Jovi songs that the video team had to program content for in case they are played during the tour
80 Number of additional local crew members recruited in each city to help build and tear down the production/staging
78 Ft that the semi circle B stage extends out into the crowd (23 meters)
65+ Total stadium shows on the 2010/2011 Tour
64 Number of inputs and outputs on the high definition video router
59 Number of touring crew members
50 Ft is the height of large stadium video screen behind the stage (largest of it’s kind in the world) (15 meters)
50+ Number of countries Bon Jovi has performed in
30+ Number of countries Bon Jovi will visit on The 2010/2011 Tour
29 Chain motors supporting the large video screens.
18 Number of trucks used to transport the stage, audio equipment, lighting equipment, video equipment, wardrobe, offices, and rigging to each city
15 Number of individual columns that comprise the massive stadium video screen
15 Number of guitars that Richie Sambora will play while on tour
Guitars: 1 PRS, 5 Fenders, 3 Zemaitis, 1 Telecaster, 1 double-neck Yamaha, 1 Mastercaster & 3 ESP’s
10 Number of sea containers required to ship the tour production overseas to Europe
8 Number of cameras remotely controlled by camera operators to shoot the video of the show
8 Number of weeks it took to build the massive high def video screen behind the stage
7 Number of Pearl Drums that Tico has in his drum set
7 Number of guitars Jon uses on tour including 3 acoustic and 4 electric guitars
6 Number of months it took to design the stadium stage
6 Weeks it took 6 programmers to custom build one of a kind/state of the art software used for the high def video screens
5 Total number of hours spent tuning Jon & Richie’s guitars on a show day
4 Number of drumsticks Tico Torres breaks per show
4 Number of Keyboards and pianos David Bryan has on stage
4 Number of custom created video programs that were designed for The Tour
3 Number of days it takes to set up the production/staging for an outdoor stadium show
3 Carpenters on the crew responsible for maintaining the stage
4 Number of time Billboard has ranked Bon Jovi as the # 1 hot tour of 2010
2 High resolution LED video screens at 24 ft high and 24 ft wide (7m x 7m)
2 Number of wardrobe changes Jon makes per show
2 Number of slide out bridges that connect the semi circle B stage to the main stage
1 Number of days it takes to break down the production/staging for an outdoor show
0 Number of guitar strings that Jon and Richie break during one show