FUCK THE FACTS på Funhouse (15/3)
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 23-02-2010
Mandag 15. mars: FUCK THE FACTS (Can) + C-T PREVAIL (Nor, Ålesund)

"Since March the 15th is a week day, Funhouse will only host 2 bands: C-T Prevail from Ålesund, and Fuck The Facts from Canada, on European tour!
CT-Prevail consist of a bunch of pretty reasonable oldschool metalcore musicians with a fetish for dirt rock grooves and stuff like that. They started in 2000, featuring the live guitarist for Gorelord, Hansi Brosstad, and they released their debut album 'Mean Season' on Morningstar records in 2008. If you're a fan of groovy and extreme music, a crossover between hardcore and thrash metal, or just want to see if anything good can come out of Ålesund, check out C-T Prevail, they will open this evening wonderfully!
Canadian grindcore act Fuck the Facts began in the late 90s. They quickly developed a name in the underground with grind and noise fans worldwide. But everyone who is already familiar with earlier Fuck The Facts releases knows that this band certainly does not produce your average brand of grindcore. Fuck The Facts play a style of hybrid grindcore perfected by groups like Sweden's Nasum, Cephalic Carnage and Napalm Death. The material sounds nothing like those bands, but Fuck The Facts has the same disregard for what grindcore "should" be and make it what they want it to be. So one foot stays in grindcore, but the other plays a game of Twister with electronics, noise, and feints at jazz. Over the band's 10-year history, it has amassed an astonishingly lengthy discography comprising dozens of splits, singles, EPs, and full-lengths. Their last album "Disgorge Mexico" released on Relapse in 2008 got a lot of excellent reviews, with an increasingly powerful production, and the vocalist Mel Mongeon, a woman with a man's growl. They are now visiting Europe, after releasing a new EP, entitled "Unnamed" 😉
Check them out on www.myspace.com/fuckthefacts, and see you at Funhouse March the 15th!"