DAVID CULROSS – Begynte i alder av 6
- by Rune
- Posted on 03-02-2007
MALEVOLENT CREATION er et death metal band jeg har hatt sansen for siden jeg var så smart å kjøpe inn The Ten Commandments da den kom ut i 1990. Den gang var det Mark Simpson som trakterte trommene. Noen år senere dukket det opp en herre med navn David Culross opp og han har gått litt inn og ut av bandet men er pr dags dato med igjen som fast trommis. Det standardiserte Blast Beast spørreskjemaet ble sendt over dammen etter at kontakt var oppnådd rett etter at Dave hadde spilt inn sin del til den kommende skiva ”Doomsday X”. Noe korte svar er det å finne, men noe lesbart ble det da fra denne trommeslageren som også har vært innom Suffocation, Incantation og Gorgasm.
ET – When did you start to play the drums?
DAVE – At age 4, I wanted to play. By age 6, I was swinging some sticks.
ET – Why did you start playing drums?
DAVE – I saw a marching band in a parade when I was like 4. Then my next door neighbor was into metal, and I looked up to him, so I followed suit.
ET – How old were you when you got your first drums/drum set?
DAVE – First drum set was at 12. Double bass at 13.
ET – How often do you practice?
DAVE – Three times a week with a band, and a half hour at a clip by myself, if I can get the time, as often as possible. I get to teach my little guy he’s 4 has been behind the kit since 1 year old.
ET – Which drummer did you look up to when you were young and is there anyone today that you admire more than the rest?
DAVE – When I was young, my first drum idol was Frankie Banali of Quiet Riot. Today, I know so much more about drumming, I admire guys like Steve Smith and Bobby Jarzombek.. And the list goes on…
ET – What kind of equipment do you use? Which equipment is in your ears the best?
DAVE – I play GMS drums, Axis pedals, Paiste cymbals, and Vic Firth drumsticks I have been playing them for years.
ET – Which qualities do you think is most important to succeed as a drummer today?
DAVE – Try not be closed minded about being influenced by other styles. You have to take influences from everywhere, and apply it to what you know.
ET – Have you ever played a solo during a gig?
DAVE – No.
ET – If you haven’t become a drummer, what would you most likely been doing?
DAVE – Racing ATV’s with my son.
ET – Do you workout a lot?
DAVE – I have a very physical job. I own a construction company, and I am hands on, every day, carrying heavy weight a lot.
ET – Do you have any special rituals you have to go through before you enter the stage?
DAVE – I just try to warm my hands and legs up for fifteen minutes, or so. Then I stretch out good.
ET – Which releases have you been a part of so far? (Band name, title, release year)
SUFFOCATION – Despise the Sun (1998)
MALEVOLENT CREATION – The Fine Art of Murder (1998)
MALEVOLENT CREATION – Envenomed (2000)
GORGASM – Bleeding Profusely (2001)
INCANTATION – The Infernal Storm (2000)
HATE PLOW – The Only Law is Survival (2000)
ET – Before we end this, you now have the opportunity to challenge another drummer to take part in this series. Pick a drummer and explain why?
DAVE – I guess Tim Yeung. He bought my second drum set from me, and at the time, I was an influence to him. He has done good for himself, and it’s been years since we spoke. I would like to see what he says, nowadays. Cheers! Keep Blastin’!!! Malevolent Creation in ‘07 !!!!
Da ser vi fram til neste kapittel i denne tråden, men med et lite forbehold, for Tim Yeung ser ut til å være en vanskelig mann å få tak i. Men følg med videre i Blast Beast serien, så kan det godt hende at Tim dukker opp med sine svar.