MIKE TERRANA – Drumming brings joy into my life

MIKE TERRANA – Drumming brings joy into my life

Denne karen har i følge seg selv vært med på ca 90 skiver. Det er flere skiver det enn hva en ung metalfan har i samlinga si. Da dette intervjuet ble tatt var Mike fortsatt medlem i Rage, men like etterpå kom nyheten om at han var ute av bandet. En arbeidsnarkoman som Mike har derimot ingen problemer med å finne seg et nytt band eller 8, og i skrivende stund er han den nye trommisen i MASTERPLAN. Med 6 til 8 timer øving per dag, er det overraskende at han i det hele tatt har tid til å spille i band, men Mike er som sagt arbeidsnarkoman og en riktig så morsom kar å intervjue. Enjoy hans morsomme svar….



Terrana_1.jpgET – When did you start to play the drums?

MIKE TERRANA – When I was 8 years old. I used to sit in my basement of my parent’s house eating cookies and play along to Beatles records…..Now I’m just eating cookies! πŸ˜‰


ET – Why did you start playing drums?

MIKE TERRANA – Because I was Hyper Little Bastard and I couldn’t get laid to save my life! ;-D It was also fun to make as much noise as possible and I was just fascinated by the shiny parts of the drum kit.


ET – How old were you when you got your first drums/drum set?

MIKE TERRANA – I was 8 years old. My Uncle Phil gave me a set of Slingerlands Radio King drums with white marine pearl finish. One 24 bass drum, 13, rack tom, and a 14 snare. It also came with 1- 10” cymbal and no hi-hat stand or floor tom. The kit came with the original calve skin heads on it…..it was made in the 40’s…..I wish I still had it. I will never forget that day. We pulled the drums out of the car, set them up in the garage….and then I proceeded to beat the hell out of them…hehe…lots of noise and the neighbors were pissed off….hehe


ET – How often do you practice?

Terrana_2.jpg MIKE TERRANA – When I’m off the road 6 hours per day…not because I have too…but because I love too. However this summer I was preparing for my new instructional DVD called the “Rhythm Beast”. I was practicing 8 hours a day……Good clean fun! When I am at home…I am not quite sure what to do with myself. I really love to be alone with my drums. It mixes physicality with creativity. Drumming brings joy into my life!


ET – Which drummer did you look up to when you were young and is there anyone today that you admire more than the rest?

MIKE TERRANA – Ringo Star, Keith Moon, Cozy Powell, Neil Pert, Tommy Aldridge Terry Bozzio, Buddy Rich, Ian Pace, John Bonham, Bill Bruford…and a million others! I really love Terry Bozzio, because he is always pushing himself to improve and evolve as a player. I think he is a drumming genius.


ET – What kind of equipment do you use? Which equipment is in your ears the best?

MIKE TERRANA – I use Meinl Cymbals, Premier Drums, Vic Firth Sticks, Attack Drum heads and Trick Bass drum pedals. I don’t think my gear is the best…..I love all kinds of drum gear! I own over 30 different drum kits. I have been working with all of these companies because I at first thought the sound and the quality was good, as the years went by I began developing personal relationships with the people at these companies and I now consider them to be good friends….this is very important for me. It is not only about the best equipment or free equipment….there has to be something else…something more behind the product. I enjoy working together with people and when the people are not cool…..I GO AWAY! πŸ˜‰


ET – Which qualities do you think is most important to succeed as a drummer today?

MIKE TERRANA – Conviction to your dream and the art of drumming -Skill – creativity – A BIG SET OF BALLS! ;-D


ET – Have you ever played a solo during a gig?

Terrana_3.jpg MIKE TERRANA – Yes, I like to play a solo at every gig whether people want it or not! πŸ™‚ I am known for this and many people expect it. However I have played in Rage for 8 years and I still have to fight to get a solo! I think this is a ridiculous never ending conversation. The guitar player does a guitar solo in every song. He is pushing his genitals in the faces of all the people in the front row; meanwhile the singer is basically doing the same. Me….I’m in the back….WORKING! πŸ˜‰ The drummer is the engine of the band. Hey guys can I please have a few minutes to play with the crowd? That’s all I’m asking for. Too be honest I have been playing drum solos for over 30 years professionally…I never heard anyone Boo me and I didn’t see mass quantities of people leaving the venue. So I guess that people find my solo entertaining. I’m not trying to impress people I’m trying to entertain and have fun with them. Guitar players are most known for they’re over indulgent WANKING SESSIONS. If I hear one more Yngwie Malmsteen/ Steve Via influenced CLONE SOLO….. IM GOING TO FUCKING PUKE! ;-o


ET – If you haven’t become a drummer, what would you most likely been doing?

MIKE TERRANA – I would have become a Guitar player! ;-D


ET – Do you workout a lot?

Terrana_4.jpg MIKE TERRANA – Yes I train 5 days a week at the Gladiator Gym located in Copenhagen Denmark. I love it there, no fancy lights, no hot chicks….just me & the weights. I feel Rocky Balboa! Sometimes when I’m done working out, I take off all my clothes, I stand in the middle of the Gym…..and I SCREAM: “ I LOVE YOU ADRIAN!” I also run 3 times a week. It helps to keep my Mojo Clean and my Sexy body more Sexy!


ET – Do you have any special rituals you have to go through before you enter the stage?

MIKE TERRANA – Yes…I take my hands out of my pockets and watch the guitar player blow dry his hair!


ET – Which releases have you been a part of so far? (Band name, title, release year)

MIKE TERRANA – Sorry to many to mention. I have made over 90 CD’s. Please check my web site www.terrana.com or www.myspace.com/miketerrana


ET – Before we end this, you now have the opportunity to challenge another drummer to take part in this series. Pick a drummer and explain why?

MIKE TERRANA – I would never challenge another drummer. I have played along with other drummers during a workshop, but it was only for fun, not to compete. Music is not a competition. Most of my good friends are drummers. We are a brotherhood….its a private club…no wimps allowed! There is however a few guitar players & journalists that I would like to challenge in a violent game of TWISTER! πŸ˜‰



Og ettersom Mike ikke vil utfordre en ny kar, ender denne korte tråden her og nå. Men det er flere løse tråder der ute i trommeverdenen og flere trofaste slitere vil dukke opp i Blast Beast serien.