KOLDBRANN – Ingen Skånsel

RELEASE YEAR: 2024BAND URL: https://koldbrann.bandcamp.com/album/ingen-sk-nsel Last year’s 2-track release titled Den 6. Massedød (Manna fra en Annen Himmel) was a caustic, face-melting delight that worked its nasty, bone-chilling magic on this scribe rather splendidly. Naturally, their upcoming full-length record appropriately named Ingen Skånsel had to be something to look forward to and worth getting excited…


The twisted Norwegian ensemble known as Koldbrann is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and morbidly engaging black metal acts out there today, and their impressive back catalogue as well as their intensely aggressive and perfectly maniacal live shows speak for themselves and have garnered them a reputation that many of their peers would die…

DEATHCULT – Seven Are They

RELEASE YEAR: 2024BAND URL: https://edgedcircleproductions.bandcamp.com/album/seven-are-they Yes, this is exactly the kind of thing we all need and what the of the mood of this week calls for – a new output containing exclusive material by what is unarguably one of the very best and most sinister-sounding bands out there, namely Deathcult. With its evocative artwork…

JORDSJUK – Råtner på Rot

RELEASE YEAR: 2024BAND URL: https://www.facebook.com/jordsjuk I bought the very first tune that Jordsjuk released digitally a while back, namely the fierce and vicious ‘Stein til Byrden’, and I have eagerly followed their online activity ever since and also ended up purchasing the ‘Siste Skanse’ track, which was yet another frighteningly convincing slab of groove-laden black…

KOLDBRANN – Den 6. Massedød (Manna fra en Annen Himmel)

RELEASE YEAR: 2023  BAND URL: https://koldbrann.bandcamp.com/album/den-6-massed-d-manna-fra-en-annen-himmel I rarely bother covering singles but this vicious 2-track slab of harsh and unnerving black metal by the fearsome Koldbrann simply needs to be featured on this hallowed webpage of ours and so here we are. Containing two exclusive non-album tracks that that will melt your face and turn your…

NATTMANN – Et Jordsmonn Av Døde

RELEASE YEAR: 2024  BAND URL: https://www.facebook.com/nattmannofficial The Norwegian black metal duo Nattmann e-mailed us a digital copy of their latest release, namely the 4-track EP sporting the evocative moniker Et Jordsmonn Av Døde, and let me start out by saying that I am grateful to these skilled dudes for doing so. This is a convincing and…

DIMMU BORGIR – Inspiratio Profanus

RELEASE YEAR: 2023  BAND URL: https://www.dimmu-borgir.com/ Well-known Norwegian symphonic black metallers Dimmu Borgir came upon the idea of recording and releasing an album consisting entirely of covers, which immediately piqued my interest simply because the idea of these guys doing something like that seemed like a fun thing to listen to. Clocking in at roughly 32…

TSJUDER – Helvegr

RELEASE YEAR: 2023  BAND URL: https://tsjuder.bandcamp.com/album/helvegr Norwegian black metal stalwarts Tsjuder have been at it for thirty years and show no sign of letting up or losing creative steam, which is perfectly illustrated by the band’s upcoming barrage of harsh and gut-piercing sounds of darkness entitled Helvegr. Comprising nine compositions that encompass the cold and raging…


A few months ago, I had the great pleasure of receiving and reviewing an utterly exciting and seductive debut offering entitled In Death I Shall Arise by the experimental black metal outfit Tilintetgjort, which turned into one of those revelatory and deeply meaningful listening experiences that are addictive and ceaselessly rewarding. Their brand of filthy,…