- by Rune
- Posted on 20-02-2005
"My grandmother didn't like it either"
Av Rune
NECRODAEMON er et nytt bekjentskap for meg, og etter � ha skrevet omtale av debutskiva Prophecy of the Decadent, og samtidig h�rt p� skiva en 15 til 20 ganger, fant jeg ut at her m�tte vi g� grundigere til verks og sendte ivei noen sp�rsm�l til Warmaster. Mannen var veldig kjapp og bare noen f� dager senere satt jeg med hans svar.
ET � First of all; hello Warmaster and congratulations with your debut album Prophecy of the Decadent, an album which I consider as a great album. But I have seen some rather poor reviews of it online. What do you have to say about that?
W – Well thanx … about those negative reviews, of course it�s sucks but now actually there are some really good reviews online also, we were chosen as newcomer of the month in one of those online magazines so its ballancing itself, dont forget that Celtic Frost and Bathory got also poor reviews in the beginning… some of those critics say that my music is too fast or sounds too polished for them, so if they prefare their daily �underground� worship in place of something new, then it�s their problem, actually my grandmother didn�t like it either but it doesn�t mean that it is bad, right? (hehehe, good answer)
ET � This album must be yummy for old Marduk fans, because there are obviously some influences from them in your music.
W � I agree with you there, it�s influenced from the Scandinavian metal scene, of course I�m an open-minded person and listen not only to black metal or only metal in general but yeah I wanted my album to be fast and aggressive so some people might associate it with those big famous bands, but if you listen to the CD carefully you will find also some influences from death and oldschool thrash metal.
ET � You play everything yourself except for some additional rhythm guitar by Ariel. Would you say that this is your band/project?
W – The music for this album was written by me, but it wouldn�t sound half as good as now, thanx to professionality and dedication of Ariel who helped me during all those years.
ET � You have to tell us a little about yourself, what is your musical background, other bands you have played in etc etc.
W � I was born in Ukraina in the Carpathian region, then I lived about 10 years in a small town near Jerusalem, now I�m living and studying in Germany, yep fucked up I know 😉
I never played in any other band, but I have this other project called �Gihennom�, I do there oldschool black metal a bit slower and a bit more melodic, it will be out soon also on Twilight. My musical background? Hmm.. thats very hard I like many bands who have soul in their music, dont have to be metal, I�m a fan of Pink Floyd and Mussorgsky, in metal its endless but for example Celtic Frost, Immortal, Devourment, Candlemass, Immolation, Satyricon, Agent Steel and many more…….
ET � And please fill us in with some info on Ariel as well.
W � Well Ariel is a very silent guy, you will never hear a word from him if you will not ask, he was born and lives in Jerusalem, he is really messed up in his head, he has his brutal grindcore projects, he is a professional body builder and he is a fucking chick magnet, I really don�t know how he do that.
ET � Ashmedi from Melechesh has written the lyrics on the 3 first tracks on the album, how did you come up with this idea?
W � We have been friends with Ashmedi for more than 10 years and also my brother plays bass in Melechesh and I�m the webmaster of the so we are like one big family…
When I was finished with the music for the album I did not have enough lyrics so I asked Ashmedi and he did his best!!! I�m really happy with the final result.
ET � Prophecy of the Decadent is distributed by Twilight Vertrieb, and as I understand it, you haven�t got a record deal yet. Is there any light at the end of that tunnel for Necrodaemon?
W � Well actually what I have with Twilight is a record deal, I know that they work more with distribution but they also have some of their own signed bands which are really great. Twilight offered me a very nice contract and I signed it immediatelly, till now they have been doing a very good job and I�m satisfied with them.
ET � The lyrics are about the dark things in life, but they aren�t as mean and brutal as many of other bands and their releases.
W � Yeah, I tried to avoid the standard �hail Satan� lyrics and tried to write about it without mentioning it, you know like I give the facts and you think about it yourself, also the lyrics from Ashmedi totally kick ass, I think they are 10 times more original than those typical oldschool �kill, kill, Satan, war� lyrics.
ET � Have you started to think on any new material?
W � Well yeah, music is my life and I play guitar every day, it�s not my job and I probably will never see any money from it but that�s what makes me feel good and that�s what I believe in so I play and create new ideas every day and I can promise you that the new material will kick ass!!
ET � Jerusalem and Israel isn�t too known for black metal bands up here. Can you fill us in on how the scene is down there?
W � Well I�m not really familiar with the scene today, there are so many new bands every day that it�s impossible to follow everything that happends there, of course there are some old good bands who make some progress, but it�s very hard for them to go worldwide because black metal from Israel is not �true�. People prefer dumb villagers who scream hail Satan every second sentence but they dont realize that all those pentagrams and writings coming from Kabbala.
Also the scene is really big in Israel many international bands come and play there some of them cancel of course, because they can only sing about war but if they hear about some terror act they shit in their pants and cancel the gig……..
ET � That�s what I had, and if you have anything else you want to say to our readers, now is the time for it.
W – Thank you Eternal Terror and to all who supports us, long live Black Metal!!!!!!!!