PYRRHON – The Mother of Virtues

PYRRHON – The Mother of Virtues

You’ve got to be kidding me – April Fool’s Day? Oh, wait, you are! How much do you value your hearing, metalhead? Are you still going to concerts in your late 30s? That’s your prerogative, of course. Me, I value my hearing almost religiously: no concerts, volume barely at the hearing level and absolutely no tolerance for senseless noise like Pyrrhon. They are exactly that – senseless noise. The vocalist screams and wails as though he were being half burned alive and half skinned alive. The guitars are simply a wall of sound where melody, harmony, riffs, variety and point all come to die a violent death. There’s nothing more to say but there’s thankfully something to do and that is change the subject as quickly as humanly possible. But behold, I shall award a mercy point for creating such a nonsensical wall of hearing hazard, though if I’m going to risk damaging my hearing it had better be to actual music.