- by eternalterror
- Posted on 11-12-2024
Introduce your band, and describe your latest release:
We are FREQUENCY OVERLOAD, from Long Island New York. Steve Little on Bass, Corey Schaefer on Guitar, Kevin Daily on drums, and on vocals Mr. Bush. Our latest release is our debut release. Our album FATE ANTHROPIC, is a full length with something for every metal head. A 9 song effort with an added cover song making a 10 song romp!
What’s the hardest part about being a band in this day and age?
The most difficult part about being in a band these days is the money it takes to get anything done. From the pay to play clubs, the pay for song listing, pay for PR, pay for cds, it’s money money money. Bands work their asses off to break even. And most don’t even get that.
When did you realise that your project had the potential to be much more than just a fun idea?
We realized after our first gig. People really responded well and after we played and we put out our home recorded versions for review and received a lot of positive feedback.
Tell us about your latest release, why should we check it out?
The debut album from FREQUENCY OVERLOAD, entitled FATE ANTHROPIC, is all us.
First to avoid the cliche “AI hellscapes” fad of art work, Mr. Bush built the album cover starting from an actual bulletin board and put clues in the construction of it. Including the title of the album being more than it appears. The album was recorded and engineered for the most part by Joey Z, infamous guitarist from Life Of Agony! This album is a genre less metal that touches on classic roots, hardcore, thrash and crossover. The question here is “why would you not check it out?”
How does a song typically come together for you?
There are a few ways we write. Usually guitarist Corey Schaefer may write an entire song.
The FATE ANTHROPIC album has his signature on much of It, lyrics by Mr. Bush. Other times it is just an open add lib jam at rehearsal that snowballs. And on other occasions Steve Little will present his riffs, or Kevin Daily his drum beats. It has never happened lyrics first for us. Typically when the song is done, then Mr. Bush writes the patterns and words.
How would you describe your sound to an unfamiliar reader?
This is an eclectic, genre-less metal with something for everyone. This harkens back to the days when a metal album had a format and purpose, yet remains comprehensive, coherent, and current.
What do you want listeners to take away from listening to your band?
We want the listener to take away the fact that freedom in metal is what we all deserve. Variety within the bands catalog, where you are unafraid to play what you want or what you feel.
Where would you really like to tour that you haven’t done so yet, and why?
Europe definitely. Our mentor Joeys Z, said it’s unreal. They have been doing regular touring and sit down, acoustic touring where they show the documentary first. He said in Europe there is a greater appreciation of all things metal. And I believe him.
How would you say that the sound of your band has progressed over the years?
FREQUENCY OVERLOAD has only been together since late 2021. We are a mere three years old! I would have to say we are just getting tighter, and more accustomed to the ad lib playing. Recently I asked three people from the crowd for a lyric sentence and then had the band ad lib, and used their sentences to create a song on the fly. We even change parts together now.
How excited are you for 2025, and what can fans expect from you?
We are super stoked for 2025! Now that we are working with SODEH records, we have begun to track album #2! It’s also great to have an eyeball on US festivals where we can expose the FREQUENCY OVERLOAD music! We encourage every one to go to www.frequencyoverload.com and join our mailing list for updates and info!