BEYOND THE GATES – announces bands for The Day and Night Shift concerts next year
- by eternalterror
- Posted on 08-12-2024
Beyond the Gates announce bands for day & night shift performances

Bergen’s (NO) celebrated extreme metal festival Beyond the Gates has announced their 8 acts for the The Day and Night Shift concerts next year. Please welcome:
Absu (US)
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult (D)
Koldbrann (NO)
Furia (PL)
Eternal Evil (S)
Askeregn (NO)
Morax (NO)
Nihilvm (PL)
All the Day and Night Shift concerts are included in the Gold Festival Pass, which are currently running low.
The 2025 edition of Beyond the Gates is the 13th chapter in the festival saga and will showcase why the festival has grown into the international metal gathering it has become. Attracting visitors from 50 different countries around the world, Beyond the Gates has become a global phenomenon.
So far, the following names have been confirmed:
King Diamond (First Norwegian show in 19 years!)
Abbath Doom Occulta (Immortal set)
Triptykon (performing Celtic Frost)
I Am Morbid
Destruction (‘Infernal Overkil’l 40 years)
Dark Sonority
The festival is taking place in the city center of Bergen, using several venues spread across town, including the legendary Grieghallen and USF Verftet. Welcome to four days of darkness in the heart of Bergen.