Introduce your band, and describe your latest release:
We’re Tamala Park Book Club, a four-piece rock band from Perth, Australia. We released a single on the 6th of September called ‘Dream On’; it’s a punchy, boppy track about persisting with your dreams even if they currently feel out of reach. It’s available everywhere for you to listen to.

What’s the hardest part about being a band in this day and age?
Being able to cut through the noise and stand out to reach new audiences. Music is a very saturated market and to ‘make it’, you really need to have a creative approach to marketing yourself as an artist.

When did you realise that your project had the potential to be much more than just a fun idea?
We’ve been together since 2018 and we still enjoy playing music together. We’ve crafted our songwriting abilities and they keep improving. Our marketing skills, particularly on social media continue to grow. I (Patrick) have always thought one day it’ll come to an end because we’ll get bored and not want to do it anymore but that day hasn’t come yet and I hope it never does! We’ve persisted while other bands have called it quits, that alone makes us stand out.

Tell us about your latest release, why should we check it out?
‘Dream On’ was written by our drummer, Marcel, who also sings the lead vocals on the song. It was written about his experiences growing up in his native New Zealand and wanting the best out of life. For a Kiwi, Marcel has worked in more parts of Australia than any of us, and it has been his drive to get where he is now and plans to go in the future. Part of that drive has also propelled the band to improve what we do.

How does a song typically come together for you?
Music first usually, with lyrics written to fit the mood of the tune. The beginning can be as simple as a chord I want to use, a hooky riff or a catchy progression to draw a listener in.

How would you describe your sound to an unfamiliar reader?
Palatable. We have something for all music listeners. We haven’t reinvented the wheel (yet!), we’re just making our own interpretation of it. It’s energetic, melancholic, heavy, light, fast and slow. It’s made to be enjoyed.

What do you want listeners to take away from listening to your band?
Pleasure. Hedonism even. If our 3-and-a-half minute distractions can bring you joy, then we’ve done our job. We hope your first listen brings you back again and again.

Where would you really like to tour that you haven’t done so yet, and why?
Japan for sure. The live house scene looks like a lot of fun and the audiences seem quite engaging. Plus, we’d turn that touring into a holiday.

How would you say that the sound of your band has progressed over the years?
It’s certainly more refined. It’s further in the direction that we started on back in 2018. We’ve expanded on styles that we all enjoy and I see it going further into the future.

How excited are you for 2024, and what can fans expect from you?
The rest of 2024 will see 2 more singles releases from us, culminating in the release of our debut album late 2024/ early 2025. We have plans to play more show, in the Perth Metro, Regional Western Australia and even the east coast of Australia. And as always, we’re still writing more music.

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