TALKRADIO – interview
- by eternalterror
- Posted on 09-08-2024
Introduce your band, and describe your latest release:
My name is Alex. I’m from Melbourne, Australia. Although I was learning drumming as a teenager, music was not originally my first choice. I started as an actor at the age of 12. I did quite a bit of theatre, TV and even a film over a period of 5 years. I began singing at the age of 18 and began formal singing lessons when I was 20. I’m the only one in “Talkradio”. I started it back in 1998 and originally there were two of us. I’ve been doing this alone since 2006.
My latest album is called “Choose”. It’s the second album on which I played all the instruments (except bass), as well as singing all the vocals.
What’s the hardest part about being a band in this day and age?
I think the hardest part is being noticed. In my first original band it was easier. We had someone managing our gigs and we’d just go out and play. At our peak, we were getting a crowd of over 1000 people. It’s not the same anymore. Melbourne now has only a fraction of the live venues it used to have. Also, I now do this by myself, so I can’t take this project to a stage. These days you need to sink more of your own money into promotion than ever before, and most of us can’t afford to keep throwing money into a bottomless pit. I remember seeing an interview not long ago with a music industry professional who summed it up quite effectively. Before streaming services, recording label A&R staff were like a filter. They would pick acts they thought had potential, sign them up and promote them. Now, there is no longer a filter. Anyone with a bit of money can get themselves published on streaming services, whether good or bad. It’s now an infinite sea of content, and it can be very easy to become fatigued going through what’s out there. Especially if, like my stepson says, most of it is “crap”. This also makes it impossible to know if your own work is any good.
When did you realise that your project had the potential to be much more than just a fun idea?
That’s a bit of a strange question to answer. It was never meant to be just a fun idea. When I started “Talkradio”, I had already been gigging in various groups for years. This was supposed to be the project that had more potential to get noticed than any of the previous ones. It doesn’t mean it wasn’t (or isn’t) fun though. Writing and playing music is the one thing I enjoy 100%.
Tell us about your latest release, why should we check it out?
For the last 20 years, everything has sounded so electronic. Even stuff that’s released as “rock” music is auto-tuned like crazy and sounds like something done by AI. I still get my inspiration from groups like Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age (I’m so hooked on their new album), Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and Radiohead. If you are also completely sick of how music has been sounding for some time now, I’m hoping you will find something you like on this album, as well as my previous albums.
How does a song typically come together for you?
To start with, a melody turns up in my head, so I start by humming it into my phone’s voice recorder. If I listen to it the next day and I still think it has potential, I go to my little studio at home, record it on a track in Pro Tools, then start working on what the guitar will be playing. Although I work the drums out last, they obviously get recorded first when I’m ready to do the proper demo (which is what I take with me to a studio when recording). I can easily spend an entire day working on a song without noticing. Sadly, I don’t often get whole days because I have a day job.
How would you describe your sound to an unfamiliar reader?
My biggest influences are 90’s grunge and alternative bands. I also have a love for some 60’s and 70’s rock bands. I think all of these influences come across if you listen to a whole album. This probably isn’t obvious if you listen to just one song.

What do you want listeners to take away from listening to your band?
The aim is to write stuff that is memorable. I’m hoping that some melody sticks in people’s heads, or that some lyric is relatable to someone. These are the things that make a difference in people’s lives in a positive way. There are so many songs that bookmark some event in my life or that make me feel good to listen to. If any of my songs do this for someone, my job is done.
Where would you really like to tour that you haven’t done so yet, and why?
Well, I haven’t performed outside Australia yet. From what I can see on Spotify, I would say it would be worth playing in some South American countries, as well as the UK, Germany and The Netherlands.
How would you say that the sound of your band has progressed over the years?
I think my writing has become more confident. When I recorded “Something From Nothing” it was the first time I was doing everything by myself, so I was a little cautious. On “Choose”, I had a better idea of what I could do on a guitar, so I relaxed a little more. It’s still just music with loud guitars though (mostly).
How excited are you for 2024, and what can fans expect from you?
I’ve already started writing for my next recording. It’s going to be a 5 song release rather than a whole album. I don’t see it being finished this year though. It will likely be released next year.