Photo: Richard Bloom

Introduce your band, and describe your latest release:

We are the Chuck Norris Experiment from Gothenburg, Sweden, we are a five-piece, action packed, kick ass, hard rock band!

We have just released our new record called “20” which celebrates the band turning 20 years this year. This is an awesome record with a lot of care and detail in the song writing perhaps being the most diverse record we have made so far. The songs are spanning from really fast punkish kickers to melodic sing along rock tunes. The album is fantastic if I may say so myself!

What’s the hardest part about being a band in this day and age?

All the goddamn algorithms of the internet…

When did you realise that your project had the potential to be much more than just a fun idea?

I personally joined the band for the recording of our third album, “The Return of Rock’n’roll” so it was kind more than just a fun idea by that time.
But I guess the response given to the band at the release of the first album gave a hint that there was something there worth exploring and continue working on.

Tell us about your latest release, why should we check it out?

Our latest release is, as mentioned earlier, called “20” and it celebrates the bands 20:th birthday. This is a diverse record with all the ingredients of a kick-ass hard rock record. We got a lot of energy a lot of melody all packaged into our own sound. So, if you want to get your feet stomping and fist waving while having a beer, this is the record to go to!

How does a song typically come together for you?

It all starts with someone bringing an idea to the rehearsal room, it can be a complete song or just a riff or melody. This is then tried out with the entire band to see what it feels like. The other members will come with some thoughts and ideas, but one important part is that the one who brought the initial idea has a veto and decides which direction we should take. Then we work on it and see where it goes!

How would you describe your sound to an unfamiliar reader?

Take one part of the Vibe from Turbonegro and Gluecifer, mix it with the energy of Danko Jones and shoot it intravenously in Rob Halford, that would be the unique Frankenstein’s monster mix that would result in The Chuck Norris Experiment.

What do you want listeners to take away from listening to your band?

We are not a political band, and we don’t have much of a message. We want people to rock and have a good time, you know wave some fist in the air and have a beer with old and new friends’ kind of thing.

Where would you really like to tour that you haven’t done so yet, and why?

Japan is one of those countries we would like to go to sometime. The country seems really cool with cool dedicated rock fans. I have never seen a Japanese person half ass anything, so that makes for great concerts with a crazy audience.

How would you say that the sound of your band has progressed over the years?

I would say we have kept our DNA throughout the years. You can really hear that it is a Chuck Norris Experiment song even if the style has kind of changed a little bit from a bit punk inspired to more classic hard rock in the later days.

How excited are you for 2024, and what can fans expect from you?

We are super excited about this year, we have a new album coming out and we will do a bunch of shows all over to celebrate the release. The fans can expect an intense and energetic live show and in general a really good time when the come see us play!

Thank you for having us!

/ Chuck the Ripper

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