SLAAMASKIN – Trollveggen
- by J.N.
- Posted on 01-09-2023
BAND URL: https://slaamaskin.bandcamp.com/track/du-2
I friggin’ love these mad Norwegian bastards and their energetic and spirited take on explosive metal, hardcore, and punk rock. With fierce riffs and even fiercer vocals, Slaamaskin mean business and are clearly out there to melt our faces and pummel us to death, and the cool thing is that we are more than okay with that as the music simply rules and compels us to do its bidding. Words such as raw, honest, direct, catchy, and unique definitely come to mind when immersing oneself in these ten crushing compositions that constitute what is their most confident and well-written output to date. The rhythm section is downright frightening, the sound of the punchy guitars is to die for, and the lyrics are absolutely superb as evidenced by ‘Daarekiste’, ‘Dommedag’, and ‘Lynvingen’ with the latter being particularly thought-provoking. However, my favorite cut is ‘Fossekall’ where each single ingredient and element complement each other to stunning effect. You need Trollveggen and you fucking know it, so there is no point in pretending or playing hard to get. Just buy the cursed thing as soon as it hits the street, okay?