LUNAR – releases new album
- by eternalterror
- Posted on 01-03-2023
Lunar The Illusionist – Out March 3rd – ft. members from Witherfall, Helion Prime, Planeswalker, Novareign. Mokili Wa, Nordic Frost, Outloud, Double Vision
Album Guests Jørgen Munkeby (Shining), Christian Münzner (Obscura), Andy Gillion (Mors Principium Est), Taylor Washington (Paladin), Sam Vallen (Caligula’s Horse), Ben Karas (Thank You Scientist), Gleb Kanasevich, Patrick Corona
“We are so excited to finally be able to present our new album, “The Illusionist,” to the world! This album has taken so many twists and turns for us. We started the process of writing and recording everything for this album in 2020 during lockdowns. Now, 3 years later, after so many different issues, it’s finally finished and released! Despite how difficult it was for us to finish this album, we couldn’t be more proud of it! This album has the best songwriting and production of any Lunar album to date. There is such a wide variety of sounds and influences, but also the album flows seamlessly from one song to another. And, once again, there is a huge list of amazing guest appearances from members of Obscura, Caligula’s Horse, Paladin, Emperor, Thank You Scientist and more!” – Alex Bosson – Lunar
Lyrically this album tells the story of a magician that questions his entire life’s work. He’s spent his entire life devoting himself to his craft and now he questions if it was worth it. I think this is a concept many people can relate to, especially those of us that have careers in some kind of artistic field. We often question what we’re doing in life to pursue our dreams. Musically the album goes through many stages as the character does on this journey of himself. There are songs that are angry, songs that are confused, songs that are depressed, and everywhere in between.
“Showtime” ft. guest guitar solo Paladin’s Taylor Washington –
“Juggling Chainsaws” ft. guest guitar solo Obscura’s Christian Münzner –
“Turn Off The World” ft. guest guitar solo from Caliguala’s Horse’s Sam Vallen –
“It’s really well done technically by a band that clearly cares about their music and can play.” – Rock The Joint Mag (The Illusionist 2023)
“LUNAR present an impressive show with „The Illusionist“. In contrast to the album title, however, there are no illusions, but quite real musical art. Thereby LUNAR conjure all kinds of things out of the hat. Their magic consists of a collection of high-quality multi-faceted songs. Thereby they go mainly a hard way. But many fine passages, which are refined with classical instruments of all kinds, provide great experiences. Furthermore, exotic sounds additionally provide for an atmospherically deep and exciting work. Personally, I also noticed especially the excellent guitar work, which conjures up fantastic moments again and again. In its entirety, it is a work of art of all the musicians involved, who have created something magical here. I can’t see any weaknesses here.” – Metal-Heads.de
“This is a record that everyone must own. Every generation and every country should adore an album like this, as one like Theogony rarely makes itself known. If you like music and consider it art, this is a must.” – Prog-Sphere on “Theogony” #23 Best Albums of 2017
“The sophomore album from this Cali band is showing the band expanding their horizons in sound. The heavy parts are heavier, the lighter parts are even lighter and the proggier parts are even more insanely proggy *plus on the song, Surrender, there is a very cool nod to the final lasting riff in Opeth’s Deliverance to close out the track…don’t think I didn’t catch that!* With all of the guest appearances, fantastic production and just masterful songwriting, this is one of the strongest prog albums you will hear all year. Trust me!” – Heavy Debriefings on “Eidolon” #39 Best Albums of 2019
“Inspired by a tragedy that befell the project in the way of losing guitarist Ryan Erwin, drummer and songwriter Alex Bosson has put his emotions towards honing a release that is as beautiful as angry. Helping him in his vision are guest contributions from members of Haken, Leprous, Thank You Scientist, Fallujah, etc.” – Prog-Sphere on “Eidolon” #19 Best Albums of 2019
“The word “classic” gets tossed around a lot, but I honestly can’t think of a better word for Eidolon. From front to back and top to bottom, this album is both firmly rooted in death metal with a progressive bend while standing alone atop the mountain. It’s equally headbanging heavy and enthralling, music to get in the mosh pit and simply sit in awe of. This is required listening because there’s nothing else quite like it.” – Progarchy on “Eidolon”
“Like Theogony, Eidolon is another very impressive showcase of modern progressive metal. It’s technical, emotional, melodic, and aggressive and is just very well put-together overall.” – wimpsandposers.com
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