SHARK ISLAND – Bloodline

SHARK ISLAND – Bloodline

  • Rating: 4.5 / 6

Uplifting and instantly appealing tunes with an 80s hard rock-vibe straight out of the LA scene is what the musically fiery US veterans Shark Island offer, and this eleven-track record of theirs is just what the good doctor ordered for troubled times like these.

Big riffs and even bigger choruses coupled with real solid vocals and a great energy all around make “Bloodline” one of the more entertaining and spirited albums that I have had the pleasure of reviewing these past couple of weeks. Things are kept simple and there is hardly anything on the disc that is not catchy. In terms of sound and style, these cool dudes are not that far apart from what Guns ‘N’ Roses, L.A. Guns, Mötley Crüe, (early) W.A.S.P., and perhaps even Quiet Riot are doing, but Shark Island are definitely inspired by the giants of (classic) rock from the 70s also.

“Bloodline” is chock-full of hooks and this is undoubtedly what I would deem “good time music” in the sense that there is a positive vibe coursing through it all, but it is varied too and it does have its fair share of moody moments where things turn a little more melancholy and heartfelt. Even the punchy cover rendition of Depeche Mode’s eternally beautiful “Policy of Truth” is convincing and skillfully constructed. The disc does lose a bit of its momentum and excitement halfway through with two or three tunes not being entirely up there with the rest of the ones on the album, but then it picks up again and there is not a single decidedly weak or pedestrian song to be found on the record either, really.  

“Bloodline” is raw, vibrant, and well-crafted rock ‘n’ roll that might not necessarily the set the world on fire or revolutionize kick-ass rock as we know it, but man, this is some charming and memorable stuff indeed, and it does put a huge smile on my face.
Album highlights: “Fire in the House”, “Aktion Is”, “Law of the Order”, and “On and On”.