MAYHEM – Live in Montreal 2017

MAYHEM – Live in Montreal 2017

This digital single containing 2 live cuts by the renowned Norwegian pioneers Mayhem came out last week and it shows that the band have rarely sounded stronger or more focused than they do nowadays. The blackened renditions of “From the Dark Past” and “Pagan Fears” are disciplined and sufficiently tight while simultaneously retaining their morbidly surreal atmosphere. The sound is quite decent but nowhere near as sharp or bombastic as that of the monumental “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Alive” offering (2016).
Attila is as impressive as ever while the rest of the cast chimes in with a very respectable performance. I do wish that Necrobutcher’s bass lines had been more audible and prominent in the mix, but what can you do?

“Live in Montreal” is a cool and enjoyable listen, but it does not exactly add anything of value to the Mayhem canon as such. Still, if you are a fan of the band or if you were there in Montreal on the night that these tracks were recorded, then head on over to Bandcamp and check them out. The rest of you can skip this one.