HERZPARASIT – ParaKropolis

HERZPARASIT – ParaKropolis

The German outfit named Herzparasit is a strange one. A band that mixes melodic metal riffs with modern hardcore influences, metalcore, dub step, and electro rock is not exactly something that you encounter every day. Unfortunately, the outcome is not as exciting or fascinating as it sounds. A handful of the huge and anthemic choruses are decent and the way in which certain layers and different elements have been woven together in a few places is interesting, but that does not change the fact that "ParaKropolis" is a complete mess. Blending the aforementioned genres while ensuring that everything fits together and is coherent and cohesive is quite the endeavor. Herzparasit fails in that department. The tracks lack drama and passion. The red thread is missing and any sense of depth, substance, and texture is non-existent here. On top of that, many of the riffs and melodies are derivative and cheap, and the vocals are anything but compelling and engaging. In fact, the vocals are annoying and come across as a distraction as opposed to actually contributing something worthwhile to the music. Just listen to "Blut Lügt Nicht" or "Regentage" and you will see what I mean.

If Rammstein, Deathstars, and Marilyn Manson all got in bed together on a very bad and drunken night then perhaps the outcome would sound somewhat akin to "ParaKropolis". Let me cut straight to the chase and simply state that you ought to stay away from this release. I approached this fucker with an open mind and listened to it a whole bunch of times, but that only seemed to make matters worse. Consider yourself warned!
