- by Matt Coe
- Posted on 24-06-2013
A dark heavy metal band from Houston, Texas, the appropriately named Venomous Maximus appear ready to take on the world with their debut full length album "Beg upon the Light". Throwing down an interesting concoction of stoner/doom riffs with a heavy metal tone, the mysterious vocals of guitarist Gregg Higgins capture the sound space right away.
Imagine if you will melodies that evoke Mercyful Fate and Angel Witch thrown into despair, while musically the quartet also step up with some seriously neck whipping riffs and grooves that could have easily come from a time machine 30-40 years ago, incubating until the time was right. The band will throw in shorter pieces that give the heavier material that much more deepness- "Father Time" for instance employs a lone acoustic guitar, outside keyboard ambiance and the whispered vocals of Gregg to set atmosphere for the follow up "Dream Again" that is just as much Black Sabbath as it would be In Solitude with a touch of Thin Lizzy- evil and swinging all the same.
Many of their influences fall into the European realm, from Bongo’s intuitive drumming nature to the dual steamroller riff approach of Christian Larson and the aforementioned Higgins, along with the plumb bass lines from Trevi Biles- giving "Battle for the Cross" and the epic doom closer "Hell’s Heroes" this swaying ebb and flow that fans of this genre hold dearly to their souls.
Ready for the road, "Beg upon the Light" should meet with favor from ardent doom and stoner metal fans- and could grab a few old school traditional fans as well.