mbo2010: FREDIABLO (Gorelord, Grimfist, ex-Necrophagia)

mbo2010: FREDIABLO (Gorelord, Grimfist, ex-Necrophagia)


mbo_frediablo.jpg1. What was your favorite album and/or metal moment of 2010?
– My favorite album of 2010 is "This Is War" by the band 30 Seconds To Mars. Don’t have many "metal moments" anymore though, as I have been keeping busy with other endeavours.

2. What do you most look forward to for your band in 2011?
– Finishing the latest and final Gorelord album. That way I can say I finished the goddamn thing, band finally move on.

3. What’s your all time favorite concert you’ve attended personally?
–  That is by far a concert Pantera played in Oslo, what seems a lifetime ago. They brought along Morbid Angel and Satyricon. I didn’t, and still don’t like those 2 bands, but Pantera was, and still remain the best metal band ever!