- by Eternal Terror
- Posted on 14-01-2011
Top T3ree Releases of 2010
"Paracletus" (Norma Evangelium Diaboli)
And I didn’t dare to think that they would manage to make such a perfect release. In three months I’ve played this more than 70 times, and it’s still running. Amazing!
"Lawless Darkness" (Season Of Mist)
"TIME… Is The Sulphur In The Veins Of The Saint" (End All Life)
Best Concert/ Festival of 2010
Hole In The Sky in Bergen is a safe bet every year. It’s not only the line-up, but the whole atmosphere. Great people, great concerts. However, the one concert that made me awestruck was in fact the Dimmu Borgir show in Oslo, November. I had no expectations, but they did a brilliant show with great sound and all that’s necessary. Runner up has to be Pain Of Salvation. Excellent and different.
Biggest Surprise To Me in 2010
That Dimmu Borgir made such a great album and did such a marvellous concert at Sentrum Scenen, Oslo in November. "Abrahadabra" is very symphonic, and had I been in charge I’d made it even more symphonic, gone the whole nine yards instead of letting Snowy Shaw take the symphonic aspect down in a couple of tracks.
Best Album Cover of 2010
"Lawless Darkness"
Stare into the abyss, and the abyss will stare back at you. The vinyl version of this album, with the cover and the whole artwork, is a perfect piece of art. It’s complete!
Favourite Band of All Time
Actually, I have two. Devil Doll is perfect and the 16-track version of "Dies Irae" is the perfect album. There’s not a nano-second I’d like to be different. And the other albums are up there as well… My favourite musicial genre is black metal, if I ever had to choose one. And now, with "Paracletus", Deathspell Omega has reached the stars. Or the abyss if you will… I listen to their voices over and over again, intensely.
Biggest Hope for 2011
Aside from the Destroying of the World, I guess a metal releated hope is that 75 % of the labels and bands vanish without a sign of life and that the remaining 25% decides to focus solely on quality instead of quantity. It would be great as well, if people noticed the incredibly work people behind Eternal Terror (writers and photographers) actually do for the metal scene! And finally, let hope that Nergal recovers completely and brings out the shit.