FAITH NO MORE til Roskilde

FAITH NO MORE til Roskilde

Faith No More to Roskilde
Mike Patton and his esquires are back together again after 11 years, and they play one of their reunion concerts at Roskilde Festival.

They have been one of Roskilde Festival's wettest dreams this entire festival season. Negotiations started in the autumn but the pieces have not fallen into place until now. Throughout this spring, the band has been fiercely requested by an army of ardently dedicated fans who have filled the festival's mail boxes with countless impatient appeals. Roskilde Festival is happy that many of these guests’ most burning desire now comes true.

FAITH NO MORE (US) created their own trendsetting kind of rap metal marinated in symphonic synths. Hits such as “Epic” and “Midlife Crisis” ensured them an eternal spot in the blue book of rock. The band sought out new projects in 1998 – but now they are back after 11 years’ break. They guarantee enthusiasm and their fingers are probably itching to perhaps outdo the accomplishments of the past.

Lead singer Mike Patton has a special relationship with Roskilde Festival as he in 2005 played concerts in four different constellations. The concert with his most famous band is, however, the first since 1992.