SOLEFALD joiner Indie

SOLEFALD joiner Indie






Indie Recordings is proud to announce the signing of SOLEFALD.

The Norwegian avant-garde act was formed by Lars Are "Lazare" Nedland and Cornelius Jakhelln in August 1995.

Lazare on vocals, keyboard/synthesizer/piano and drums, and Cornelius on vocals, guitar and bass.

After 6 albums, they are now ready to release their 7th through Indie Recordings. Date yet to be announced


Already from the get go in 1995, it was already quite evident that the band had an experimental edge, incorporating Lazare's choir like clean vocals and lush piano passages into the heavy and intense black metal formula.

Solefald is a rare breed of band that is able to successfully fuse two opposing feelings of music; beauty and ambiance, as well as intensity and rage.

Indie Recordings is very happy to have the excellence of Solefald in our family.


Cornelius Jakhelln comments on the signing and the upcoming album:


Solefald are proud to announce that we have inked a record deal with Indie Recordings. After over a decade in harbors overseas, returning to our new home in Oslo definitely feels good.

As the distributor of our Icelandic Odyssey, Indie delivered astonishing results in the Norwegian market, both sales- and promotion wise.

Thus, we are confident that Solefald will receive the best possible treatment. As the fanatics among you know already, a new Solefald album is in

 the making and will be launched in 2009. The album is more guitar-based than previously, and contains several songs in Norwegian.

We won't reveal too much about the contents yet, only that we look forward to return with a scream and a bang (which was the technique we deployed to mask certain deficiencies on our "Jernlov" demo, lol)!


Band members

Cornelius Jakhelln – Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Sampling
Lars Are "Lazare" Nedland – Vocals, Piano, Keyboards, Synthesizers, Organs, Drums