THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER på Garage Oslo (17/1)
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 16-01-2009
Lørdag 17. januar 2009
The Black Dahlia Murder (BDM) er et melodiøs death metal/metalcore band fra Waterford, Michigan, som ruler på metal-scena i Detroit. The Black Dahlia Murder er oppkalt etter det uoppklarte mordet på skuespillerinnen Elizabeth Short, referert til som Black Dahlia. Et absolutt passende navn!
Rett fra gatetroppen i Detroit finnes det ingen kompromisser hos de fem medlemmene i The Black Dahlia Murder – den musikalske integriteten er forankret i blod.
Tungt influert av svensk trash-metal og brutalt lydbilde fra Florida's unike death metal. Debuten "Unhallowed " blender inn som den perfekte miks av bakoversveis crosscut riff, blytunge gitarer og melodiøsitet.
Skiva åpner med et lavt audio klipp hvor vokalist Trevor som leser fra en bok om kannibalisme! Du skjønner tegninga? BMD lukter det herlig bråk og trøbbel av! Høyopplesninga hopper raskt over til et fullt angrep på alle humane og animale sanser. The Black Murder har funnet sin intense stil.
Oppskrifta på den dødelige formelen (og bandnavnet) er hentet fra det uoppløste mordet på skuespillerinnen og fristerinnen Elizabeth Short – kjent som The Black Dahlia Murder.
The Black Dahlia Murder’s debut release "Unhallowed" er en hardt etterlengted orkan av friskt luft i en sjanger som leder til en ny type metal hvor energien oppfinnes på ny!
Konserten blir vakkermørk! Live drar BDM publikum inn i svaiende trance!
January 2006: About a year after Nasum called it the quits, drummer Anders Jakobson started looking for members for a new grinding band. After posting in his blog at nasum.com, Anders Bertilsson (Ruin) – vague acquaintance to Jakobson – offered to play the guitar in the band. At the same time Relentless's bass player Oskar Pålsson was looking for a session drummer for a possible solo demo. He asked Jakobson who informed him about the new grinding band plans and the two ideas were merged into one. The three members started to send riffs back and forth building up a small library of ideas.
February 2006: The first rehearsal took place on the 2nd and a few songs were written from the library of riffs. The band continued to write songs and do rehearsals the following weeks. A decision to add a second guitar player was taken and the band announced for a forth member in Jakobson's blog.
March 2006: André Alvinzi (Carnal Grief) joined the band as the second guitarist. As the fourth songwriter in the band, Alvinzi rapidly added the last piece to Coldworker's puzzle of sound, introducing some more technical riffs into the grinding death metal.
April 2006: Early in the month the bands name – Coldworker – is announced and later in April Joel Fornbrant (ex-Phobos) joins the band on vocals. After trying Anders Bertilsson as the singer, Coldworker realised that is would be best for the band and the music to have a separate singer. As a five-piece the band continued to write and work on the songs.
June 2006: Coldworker did it's first show together with Gadget and Radioskugga and then immediately started recording their first album "The Contaminated Void". The album was recorded by the band in their rehearsal room over three weeks, and it was later mixed by Dan Swanö and finally mastered by Peter In De Betou, A deal was signed with Relapse Records.
August – September 2006: Coldworker did their second and third shows awaiting the release of the album.
November 2006: "The Contaminated Void" was released worldwide on vinyl and in Europe on CD. Right after the release Coldworker did 10 shows around Sweden and Denmark, most of them as part of the "Close-up Made Us Do It" tourpackage with Arch Enemy and Path of No Return.
December 2006: Coldworker did yet two more shows in Sweden before the end of the year.
January 2007: André Alvinzi was replaced by Daniel Schröder (also in Ruin).
February 2007: Coldworker performed at the Finnish Metal Expo in Helsinki.
June 2007: Coldworker went on a two week European tour together with Misery Index and Dew-Scented and visited festivals such as Fury Fest and Summer Blast. After the tour Coldworker went into writing mode for the rest of the year working on the second album.
December 2007 – January 2008: Coldworker recorded their second album "Rotting Paradise". The album was recorded at four different location. The drums were recorded in Soundlab Studios, the guitars at the home of Johan Berglund (This Haven), the bass at the home of Jakobson and the vocals at Coldworker studios. The album was then mixed and mastered by Dan Swanö at Unisound. 15 songs were recorded, 12 ended up on the album, a 13th song – a coverversion of Sepultura's "Necromancer" – ended up on the Japanese version of the album, and two songs were saved for the future.
May 2008: "Rotting Paradise" was released worldwide on vinyl and CD.
"Shot At Dawn is a youthful 6 piece from the cold abyss known as Norway, described by the press as ’blackened melo-deathcore’ With their ’take no prisoners’ musical style they have captivated audiences with their energetic music and performance onstage. Starting out as Misery Conduct, they started their early trials with line-up changes and finding their musical stride. And as soon as they started to settle down, they went on to win club Maiden’s Deathmatch (A battle of the bands, where the audience give their votes), winning them studio time to record their debut album, "Sic Vic Para Bellum."
An album that has given them extremely good reviews: "..its rarely that I’m so impressed by a debut, as I have been by Shot at Dawn’s ’Sic Vic Para Bellum’ This sounds really professional. 4.5/6’ – Eternal Terror Webzine "Deathmetalcore to the People! 8/10" – Heavymetal.no "In conclusion, what we have here is a great and abnormally mature debut. These guys take deathcore to a whole new level with this release. Highly recommended. 5/5" – Pivotal Rage Webzine "I can’t find anything negative about this album, so watch out, Shot at dawn is going to conquer the world. And it’s a wonder they still have no record contract. 10/10" – Icon Music mag At the present time, they have a deal with a small indie label Deaf and Blind records, to issue their debut album. Containing all 10 original tracks, they have also included a bonus track. A cover of Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire was also recorded, but although they got the get-go from the publishers they never sent the written permit for it to be released, it will be a track to be missed.
With a great album under their belts and a fan base begging for more, they are not an act left to be untouched. Never content and always on the search for musical perfection, you can count on Shot at Dawn to broaden our musical horizons. Unbelievers are shot at dawn. Load your guns." – John Justice Kilde: NRK Urørt