Magic Circle Festival Battle Of The Bands 2008
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 15-03-2008
1.) Magic Circle Festival Battle Of The Bands 2008
2.) Limited edition holyhell.de forum t-shirt
1.) Magic Circle Festival Battle Of The Bands 2008
Magic Circle Music and MANOWAR are launching a Battle Of The Bands Contest where bands from around the world will compete against each other to win the once in a lifetime chance to play on the main stage at the Magic Circle Festival 2008. The winning band will be invited to play 3 songs on the main stage on Saturday, July 12th, 2008. The winning band will also be featured on the Magic Circle Festival Volume 2 DVD and will have their single released by Magic Circle Music.
Visit www.magiccirclefestival.com for information on how to enter.
Click HERE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hebJ4vDdhFI to watch the Battle Of The Bands announcement by Karl Logan
Magic Circle Festival Website www.magiccirclefestival.com
Battle Of The Bands YouTube Announcement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hebJ4vDdhFI
2.) Limited edition holyhell.de forum t-shirt
HolyHell and Magic Circle Music are giving every HolyHell fan (registered on holyhell.de) the opportunity to help design a limited edition forum t-shirt. There are no restrictions and no parameters regarding the design of the shirt. Just let your imagination run wild!
All of your ideas will be collected and presented on this thread:
When the fans agree upon a final design, the layout will be presented to Magic Circle Music.
Magic Circle Music has agreed that everyone who contributes to the final design will receive a t-shirt for free. Everyone who attends the forum party at the festival will also receive a free t-shirt. Yes, you heard that right. Keep a close eye on the forum for that major party announcement. More
details to follow!
All we ask is that you send us your ideas and designs as soon as possible. The forum needs to make a final decision by April 18th so that the limited edition forum t-shirt can be available in time for the Second Annual Magic Circle Festival in Bad Arolsen, Germany beginning on July 9th, 2008.
For more information please visit: www.holyhell.de
HolyHell Website www.holyhell.com
MySpace http://www.myspace.com/holyhellofficial
HolyHell Forum www.holyhell.de