Produktive jenter og 1 kar (kjent sådan)
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 22-06-2007
Hello hot boys and nasty girls!!!!
The girls are kickin' it back in Sweden, writing and recording for the new Meldrum album, we know, the new album "Blowin Up The Machine" is not even out yet in the States, it will hit the stores Sep 11th. But we like to keep ourselves busy. We are frantic workers and are full of ideas after having writing sessions with Mr Gene Hoglan. We wrote some killer tunes together that will make the world go crazy.
Talking about going crazy, The girls went to see Ozzy and BLS play in Helsinki Finland. It was an amazing show !!!! Hanging out with our brothers, we had a really good time. It's hard to believe it was 2 years ago we came off that three month major ass kickin' crazy as hell world tour, and 4 years since we first played together, but it is always like seeing them yesterday. We showed Zakk our new video for Purge and he was really proud of us !!!! Good times dudes and dudettes, good times.. There is some photos from that night on ww.myspace.com/meldrumrocks and also our new video.
But first things first, go get yer copy of Blowin Up The Machine.we´ve got some great fucking reviews that can be read on our myspace ww.myspace.com/meldrumrocks
We will have a brand new stylish website up pretty soon at www.meldrum.nu so just hold your horses, it's definitely worth waiting for!!!!
Make sure you join our street team, get your email on our malinglist, and make a request for Meldrum to come to your city and gooooooo craaaaazy (like Ozzy would have said it) and we also have some really cool Meldrum packages with T-shirts, DVD and CD for all of you who have a heart and want to give some love to a friend..hehehe, check it out on myspace…
ALSO Meldrum will have a release party the 11th of July for Blowin Up The Machine in Stockholm at Club Helter Skelter at Västgötagatan 4 (at Ett ställe på Södermalm) You got make that you Swedes!!!!…If you cant you have another chance in Gävle Friday the 13th of July YEAAAAH …at Club Monster at O´Learys……OR you will find Meldrum 14th of July the day after in Hudiksvall at Tre Bockar.
When the cd comes out in the states we definitely be doing some shows there too!!!!
See you guys out there!!!!
There is nowhere to fucking hide, were gonna hunt you down!!!!!
Till next time
The Meldrum gals