THE CHRONICLES OF FATHER ROBIN – The Songs & Tales of Airoea – Book II – Ocean Traveller

RELEASE YEAR: 2023BAND URL: The first installment of the trilogy by the splendid Norwegian prog rock ensemble known as Chronicles of Father Robin was a mind-blowing musical experience in that it captured a richly layered atmosphere with an earthy and folk-ish feel to it that was unlike anything that I had come across before.…

THE CHRONICLES OF FATHER ROBIN – The Songs and Tales of Airoea – Book 1

RELEASE YEAR: 2023  BAND URL: Sporting a great moniker and an even greater line-up featuring some of Norway’s most awe-inspiring prog rock musicians from acts such as Wobbler, Tusmørke, and Jordsjø, it goes without saying that this album is something that many of have been looking forward to for some time – me included. High…