Remembering the Emerald Cowboy – An Interview with Author Alan Byrne

RELEASE YEAR: 2025BAND URL: A few years ago, I had the great pleasure of reviewing a thoroughly engaging and superbly researched book on the mighty Thin Lizzy titled Are You Ready? Thin Lizzy: Album by Album by author Alan Byrne. Shortly after, I purchased Byrne’s biography on the vagabond of the Western world, i.e.…

ALAN BYRNE – Philip Lynott: Renegade

RELEASE YEAR: 2024BAND URL: It was with great joy that I received and opened a parcel in late December containing one of Sonicbond Publishing’s latest titles, namely this updated version of Alan Byrne’s Renegade, which is a study of (and a reflection on) the sadly missed Philip Lynott of Thin Lizzy fame. From his…

DARREN WHARTON’S RENEGADE – 30.11.2024 – Troon

VENUE: Troon Concert HallDATE: 30.11.2024 ORGANIZER: Plan BPHOTOGRAPHER: C. NepperPhotos copyrights belong to the photographer. No unauthorized usage allowed. Please contact photographer if you wish to reuse images in any context.   Darren Wharton’s Renegade was the last band on the main stage on the Saturday at the annual WinterStorm festival, and not only were…