Legendariske Swans til Parkteatret lørdag 24. november
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 28-06-2012
Legendariske Swans til Parkteatret lørdag 24. november
Post-punkbandet Swans med Michael Gira i front er selve pionerene innen industriell og mørk undergrunnsrock. Bandet ble dannet i New York i 1982 og er kjent for sine brutale, støyende og repeterende låter og ekstreme tekster. Swans tilhørte opprinnelig New Yorks no wave-scene, men utviklet seinere musikken ved å blant annet inkludere akustiske partier. Etter at de hadde ligget i dvale siden 1997 ble rockemonsteret vekket til live igjen i 2010. Den første plata på tretten år, My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky, innfridde alle forventninger og litt til. De siste 20 årene har det dukket opp en rekke band, alt fra post-rock til heavy metal, tydelig inspirerte av Swans.
Vi gleder oss til å presentere legendene i Swans på en så intim scene som Parkteatret! Med seg har de albumet The Seer som kommer i august. Michael Gira beskriver den på følgende måte;
‘The Seer took 30 years to make. It’s the culmination of every previous Swans album as well as any other music I’ve ever made, been involved in or imagined. Despite what you might have heard or presumed, my goal is to spread light and joy through the world. My friends in Swans are all stellar men. Without them I’m a fluffy kitten, an infant. Our goal is the same: ecstasy!’
Sagt om ‘My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope To The Sky (2010)
“The Swans are currently the greatest rock band on the planet…” The Quietus
“[Gira] is looking for beauty, pure and simple, unfettered by meaning or standard songwriting notions of
emotional resonance.” – The Wire
“a majestic return and, let us hope, a harbinger of more to come.” BBC
“The rule book is torn up and incinerated here, but this shouldn’t even be a surprise, considering that’s what
Swans made a career doing. Surprise! Swans aren’t dead.” FACT
“pleasing proof they can outstrip even the most fearsome reputation.” The Guardian
“Swans beauty is best with great beauty, black wings to another world” NME
“Swans are alive, utterly. A terrible beauty is reborn” The Wire
“Monstrous, beautiful, satisfying” Mojo
“… For the last two years, one of the world’s most bellicose bands has paid respect to its legacy largely by
leaving it alone and tried to expand it by testing its old limits. Here, they do just that, beating past successes
with the purpose of the present and showing that… this is exactly the kind of forwardpointing
roadmark Swans deserve.” Pitchfork